b'Brian King CentreSo much fun has been had at the Brian King Centre, Warmans community hall. The Brian King Centre is utilized by many community organizations and is one of the largest facilities in the area for weddings, reunions, anniversaries, birthday celebrations, banquets, dances, musicals, theatrical performances and many other sport, cultural and recreational programs. The air conditioned Brian King Centre, at 202 8th Avenue North, has a fully equipped kitchen, meeting rooms, stage and main hall and can accommodate banquet seating for up to 400 and more than 600 for theatre-style seating. warman.ca/463Warman Diamond Rodeo Arena Facility Booking: The Warman Diamond Rodeo Arena opened toAll bookings at these facilities, the public in 1965 and has been a cornerstoneas well as school gyms, sports fields of the community ever since. Located on theand park gazebos, are taken by the staff corner of Pacific Avenue and 8th Avenue, thisat the Warman Home Centre Communiplex. arena offers a full artificial ice surface (78 x 190),Call 306-933-2210, email csr@warman.caconcession and viewing area. This facility hasor stop in at 701 Centennial Blvd. the capability of hosting various tournaments,MondaySunday 8:30 am9:00 pm. cabarets and many other activities. For more information,warman.ca/471 go to warman.ca/177.Other Rental Facilities in Warman:cole Warman Elementary School Gymnasium .306-933-2210Holy Trinity School Gymnasium 306-933-2210Traditions Elementary School Gymnasium .306-933-2210Warman Community Middle School Theatre 306-933-2210Warman High School Gymnasium .306-933-2210Days Inn & Suites 306-477-3297Warman Senior Centre 306-933-2335Legends Golf Clubhouse .306-931-8814106'