b"Warman, the eighth largest city in Saskatchewan is just north of Saskatoon on Highway 11. Nestled in the province's most bountiful region, it radiates vibrancy and charm. Warman residents enjoy an array of attractions, including picturesque parks, well-appointed recreation facilities, excellent schools, diverse dining options and a flourishing business community. With its friendly atmosphere and abundant opportunities, Warman proves to be an ideal place to live, work, play and invest.To our visitors, a warm welcome awaits you. Use this guide to discover more about Warman and be sure to immerse yourself in all the delights our remarkable city has to offer.WARMAN, SASKATCHEWANat a glanceLAND AREA(2021) 13,68613.1 KM 2 RESIDENTS AVERAGE AGE 35.3 ELEVATION508 M AVERAGE FAMILY SIZELATITUDE PER HOUSEHOLD 52.3184 N LOCATED 2.9 PEOPLELONGITUDE21.59 KM106.5751 WNORTH OFSASKATOON AVERAGE PRICE NUMBER OF OF RESIDENTIAL21DWELLINGS PROPERTIES(2023)PARKS4,313 $429,567 208.52300 HECTARESHOURS OF GREEN SPACE OF SUNLIGHTPER YEAR MOST RAIN MOST SNOW HIGH TEMP LOW TEMPJUNE JANUARY JULY JANUARY59 MM 86 MM +26 -195 13WALK-IN SCHOOLS COLLEGE557 263 MEDICAL CLINICS 1LIBRARY5PHARMACIESLICENSED STOREFRONT Population as of August 2023BUSINESSES BUSINESSES Sources:Statistics Canada 2021 and eHealth Saskatchewan12"