b'Our HistoryWarman boasts a vibrant history rooted in the construction of the railway lines. It has weathered various challenges such as tornadoes, droughts, epidemics, and beyond. Despite these adversities, it has flourished to become the vibrant, modern community it is today.warman.ca/278The Village of Warman was incorporated innewspapers and government encouraged 1906, but it actually had its beginning twosettlement, and Warman soon became a years earlier, in 1904, when the Canadianbustling village with a large school, churches, Northern Railway (a predecessor of Canadiana bank, two hotels, a newspaper, a blacksmith National Railway) was built from Humboldtshop, a shoe repair shop, several general stores to North Battleford. The railway tracks wereand even wooden sidewalks. The surrounding built parallel to the Dominion Telegraph linerural municipality was also named Warman.originally built in 1876. Warman was located at the intersection of the new east-west CN line and the existing north-south Canadian Pacific Railway line from Regina to Prince Albert.The original settlement was informally called Diamond because of the diamond shape made by the intersecting railway tracks. The name of the settlement was soon changed toWhile the railroads were the new towns biggest Warman in honour of Cy Warman, a journalist,asset, Warman was handicapped by its lack author and poet who worked as a publicityof a good source of water and also suffered a writer for Canadian Northern and the Grandnumber of setbacks, including a devastating Trunk Pacific Railway documenting the railwayfire in 1908. A tornado in 1910 also took its expansion boom in western Canada. There wastoll, as did numerous epidemics of diseases a large influx of settlers into the area followinglike mumps, measles, chicken pox and the construction of the new railway, lured byscarlet fever. Competition was keen from the the promise of a quarter section of farmlandnearby city of Saskatoon, and many business for $10, and also by the business opportunitiespeople who had lost their buildings to natural in the new community. The railways,disasters chose to rebuild in Saskatoon.124'