b'City Council warman.ca/100Our City Council, or governing body, holds the responsibility of offering guidance and formulating policies for the City of Warman. Working together, council members determine the range of services to be offered to residents and how these services will be provided.Warman is governed by a City Council made up of the mayor and six councillors who serve a four year term, the current term being 20202024. They are responsible for services such as bylaws, streets, water and sewer, snow and waste removal, economic development, recreation facilities and programs, crime and fire prevention and more.Reach out to our City Councillorsthey are more than happy to answer your questions!GARY PHILIPCHUK DOUG RAMAGEMayor Councillor, Economic garyp@warman.ca Development Lead306-717-2682 dougr@warman.ca306-361-0264KEVIN TOOLEY TRACY JOHNSONDeputy Mayor, Councillor, Environmental, Recreation & Culture Lead Health & Utilities Leadkevint@warman.ca tracyj@warman.ca306-381-7943 306-361-8549RICHARD BECK SHAUN CRIPPSCouncillor, Councillor, Administration & Finance Lead Planning, Developmentrichardb@warman.ca & Transportation Leadshaunc@warman.ca306-980-7500MARSHALL SEED Warman City Council hosts two Regular Councillor, Meetings of Council per month (on the Protective Services Lead second and fourth Monday) as well marshalls@warman.ca as a monthly Committee of the Whole 306-371-5327 meeting, all open to the public.18'